The Institute of Life Sciences at the Francisco de Vitoria University (Universidad Francisco de Vitoria) is dedicated to building multidisciplinary research teams to develop innovative projects reflecting the values, practice and educational philosophy of the university.

cruz santos 2 INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

The Institute brings together professors, researchers and students in developing competitive research projects in the areas of Biotechnology, Medicine, Biomedicine and Life Sciences in general. As part of this effort, the Institute works in collaboration with other institutions and research centres, both nationally and internationally, in the exchange of knowledge and human capital.

The aim is to produce scientific research of excellence and to position the Institute at the centre of national and international scientific research and as a flagship institution of our University. The Institute also conducts additional educational activities, courses and specialised seminars, and is closely involved in Postgraduate programs (MSc and PhD) at the University.



Cruz Santos  161x161 1 150x150 INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Cruz Santos Tejedor Ph.D.
Head of the Institute of Life Sciences

   [email protected]

Agueda Mercedes Tejera  161x161 1 150x150 INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Águeda Tejera Ph.D.
Delegate for the Areas of Investigation

   [email protected]

Susana Martin Hernandez  161x161 1 150x150 INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES Estudiar en Universidad Privada Madrid

Susana Martín Ph.D.
Delegate for the Areas of Teaching

   [email protected]




Institute of Life Sciences

Building E, 9:00 a.m to 14:00 p.m. of Monday to Friday

9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday to Friday


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